Who am I?

I have learned to become new every day. My fingers move, my heart beats, my mind expands. I investigate and unpack knowledge coded in a seemingly random ocean of information we swim in and wrap it into a new form, that is my Art.

I am here to make sense of my senses, to search for and see invisible. I turn subtle into clear, hidden into evident. My colors sing, my lines speak. I translate knowledge into art.

I am curious.

Why do we create objects of art? Does art make us more human? Or it makes us superhuman? When we extend our capabilities with art, do we become objects of art?

Do we artificially engineer ourselves when we learn to speak in a new way, think in a new way, act in a new way?

Does art create new consciousness? Is art an act of work of artificial intelligence?

My religion and obsession is art.

“My Luxurious Mind” show is the first in the series. I dedicate it to the power of a sober sentient mind (consciousness) to transform itself through art into an independent agent, an agent of human super intelligence. 

My work is finished, complete and ready for your consumption.

The project I am working on next will require seclusion and complete anonymity. Please contact my representative M.V Shall with any inquiries. She is in charge.

My religion is Art.

The artist is the creator of new things.
To reveal new in self is the artist’s aim.
When nothing new is created – it is a craft and not art.
The lowest form of art is an imitation.
All art is the art of perception.
When one finds new in the world – one changes perception.
To change one’s perception is to become different and new.
When we become new – we create a new world.
The artist is the creator of a new world for self and others.
All art is highly functional.
The function of art is to evolve the artist and the human community as the instrument of consciousness.
The human race is moved forward by art and the artist.
The next civilization of Earth is a civilization of art and artists.

Stella Stark Art